New products from TerraRoc
New products from TerraRoc
Casing Advancement System
Casing Advancement System allows you to drill simultaneously as you're advancing the casing
Pipe Roofing
Pipe roofing is a method to pre-reinforce the ground ahead of a tunnel face to ensure that excavation can proceed safely. A steel casing is installed in an umbrella pattern around the excavation line, forming a protective arch under which the tunnel can advance.
If you can't find the products that meets your specification, please contact a TerraRoc sales rep to discuss how we can assist you with your requirements!
Drill Pipes & Adapters
Coming soon! If you have any inquary please contact you local TerraRoc sales rep.
DTH Hammers & Tools
Down the hole tools
DTH Oil & Gas
Coming soon! If you have any inquary please contact you local TerraRoc sales rep.
Core Drilling
Terracore product range is core drilling system designed for either site investigation or grouting holes.
Rotary Tools
Coming soon! If you have any inquary please contact you local TerraRoc sales rep.
Lubricant & Additives
Lubrications, additives and thread grease
Threaded Casing
Lubrications, additives and thread grease